How to Install MongoDB on Windows

Before installation of mongoDB you have to download it from the server and know system requirement.

System hardware requirement

Your system should be 64 bit. The 32-bit version of MongoDB can hold only 2GB of data for testing and evaluation purposes.

Download mongoDB Software

You can download the latest/appropriate release of MongoDB from before installation make sure you are downloading the correct version of MongoDB which is relevant according to your system (windows OS version).
Note: mongoDB does not support to Window XP

How to install downloaded file

Please copy monngoDB MSI file and past at specific location where you want to install. Now double click on file and follow the instruction appears on screens.
You can install mongoDB at any location because it is self-contained and does not have any other system dependency.

Suppose you install the mongoDB in c:\\ drive, after that you will see a folder “mongodb-win32-x86_64-[version]” Here [version] is the version of MongoDb downloaded. You can rename this file name.
Now open the command prompt and run the following command.


[Your mongodb file location]\bin mongod
For example  C: \MongoDB\bin mongod

After executing above command if you found an error “data\db” db path not found        or you wish to change db location then you need to specify any alternate path for \data\db by setting the path dbpath in mongod.exe. For the same issue following commands

In command prompt navigate to the bin directory present into the mongodb installation folder. Suppose my installation folder is D:\set up\mongodb.

D:\>cd "set up"
D:\set up>cd mongodb\bin
D:\set up\mongodb\bin>mongod.exe --dbpath "d:\set up\mongodb\data"


If everything going well it will show a message “Waiting for Connection”. Now open a new command prompt and run the following command.

D:\set up\mongodb\bin>mongo.exe
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.7
Use test
> { myFirstField: 1 } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId(579a1567ac1b3f3732483de0), " myFirstField " : 1 }

This will show that mongodb is installed and run successfully. Next time when you run mongodb you need to issue only commands.

D:\set up\mongodb\bin>mongod.exe --dbpath "d:\set up\mongodb\data"
D:\set up\mongodb\bin>mongo.exe

MongoDB Help

If you wish to get a list of commands, type in mongoBD client. It will give you all commands of mongoDB as shown following.

DB methods:
                db.adminCommand(nameOrDocument) - switches to 'admin' db, and runs command [ just calls db.runCommand(...) ]
                db.auth(username, password)
                db.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command
                db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost)
                db.createCollection(name, { size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } )
                db.currentOp() displays currently executing operations in the db
                db.eval() - deprecated
                db.fsyncLock() flush data to disk and lock server for backups
                db.fsyncUnlock() unlocks server following a db.fsyncLock()
                db.getCollection(cname) same as db['cname'] or db.cname
                db.getCollectionInfos([filter]) - returns a list that contains the names and options of the db's collections
                db.getLastError() - just returns the err msg string
                db.getLastErrorObj() - return full status object
                db.getMongo() get the server connection object
                db.getMongo().setSlaveOk() allow queries on a replication slave server
                db.getProfilingLevel() - deprecated
                db.getProfilingStatus() - returns if profiling is on and slow threshold
                db.getSiblingDB(name) get the db at the same server as this one
                db.getWriteConcern() - returns the write concern used for any operations on this db, inherited from server object if set
                db.hostInfo() get details about the server's host
                db.isMaster() check replica primary status
                db.killOp(opid) kills the current operation in the db
                db.listCommands() lists all the db commands
                db.loadServerScripts() loads all the scripts in db.system.js
                db.runCommand(cmdObj) run a database command.  if cmdObj is a string, turns it into { cmdObj : 1 }
                db.setProfilingLevel(level,<slowms>) 0=off 1=slow 2=all
                db.setWriteConcern( <write concern doc> ) - sets the write concern for writes to the db
                db.unsetWriteConcern( <write concern doc> ) - unsets the write concern for writes to the db
                db.setVerboseShell(flag) display extra information in shell output
                db.version() current version of the server